Wednesday 29 July 2009

The cost of green energy efficiency

No one ever said concern for the environment was going to be cheap.

The Energy Secretary, Ed Miliband, announced last week that Britain becoming a low carbon-economy will cause the average annual energy bill to rise by as much as £92 a year by 2020. Figures from the UK Energy Research Centre show the increase could be closer to £230. However, making your home more energy efficient can cut your bills although, in most cases, upfront costs are unavoidable.

Compared to countries on the continent, the housing stock in the UK is old. A large proportion of properties have been around more than 60 years and are leaking heat all over the place. However, improvements can be made.

A high-efficiency boiler coupled with solar thermal panels can reduce heating bills. Solar thermal panels installed facing south will produce as much as 30-40 per cent of the power needed to heat your water annually. However, according to the Energy Saving Trust, a standard system will cost from £4,000 to £6,000 to install, meaning it will take between seven and 14 years to recoup the investment.

As fuel prices rise, investing in a more energy efficient property will be more rewarding. “Over and above the environmental concerns, we need to think about fuel supply,”. “If you want to secure against increased heating and electricity costs, then being more efficient in your home is the way to go.”

Source - The Independent

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