Saturday 20 June 2009

Solar Electricity Goes Mainstream

David Egles, one of Canada's leading authorities on the solar industry, applauds the Green Energy Act passed in Ontario.
"This could be the beginning of solar electricity going mainstream," says Egles, founder and President of Canada's foremost provider of home solar systems, Home Energy Solutions

"Solar electricity has the potential to provide significant amounts of clean energy to power Ontario homes, simply by using existing roofs," says Egles.

"The Green Energy Act will promote the growth of the solar industry, resulting in lower costs and cheaper energy in the long run."

Through the Green Energy Act's solar feed-in tariffs, homeowners installing up to 10-kilowatt solar systems are eligible to receive $0.80 for each kilowatt of excess energy their systems deliver for the next 20 years. A complete 10-kilowatt system costs approximately $100,000; on a south-facing roof, it would generate approximately $9,600 each year in income.

"An investment in solar has a strong financial yield while being a green, ethical investment," says Egles. "Over two decades, homeowners can recoup twice their initial cost - and then continue to reap all the benefits of an environment-friendly energy system."

Source - Solar Daily

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