Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Eco-friendly green homes save energy

UK households could cut their domestic gas bill by a total of £4.6 billion annually by employing energy saving, eco-friendly measures, a new study suggests.

British Gas claims that its ongoing Green Streets Trial has seen some participating families cut the amount of gas they used by 50 per cent and that other households reduced their total energy use by 30 per cent.

This was achieved by fitting solar panels as well as energy efficient boilers and light bulbs.

Phil Bentley, managing director of British Gas, commented: “For every £3 we spend heating our homes £1 is wasted because of poor insulation.
“And whilst strict standards on new build are needed, most of the energy being consumed is in the ageing homes we live in today.”

Participants in the study were granted a budget of £30,000 per household to spend on energy-efficiency fittings for their homes

Source - London Stock Exchange

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