Monday, 26 May 2008

iPower Solar Energy Heats Up Real World Hollywood Reality Show

Integrated Power (iPower) designed and supplied solar energy to the house used in this season's hit reality show, Real World: Hollywood to demonstrate to today's pop culture how easy it is to live with eco-friendly lifestyle choices.

"iPower applauds Real World: Hollywood for its interest in impacting its millions of viewers with alternative energy, eco-friendly appliances and furnishings - even a computer powered by a bicycle - to show how easy it can be to be green," said iPower President Eric Pollock.

"We're pleased to be a partner in the inspirational, energy-efficient home design used for their 20th season."

iPower supplied and installed a custom designed solar energy system with traditional PV modules and unique inlay of solar PV glass on the outside awning.

The system was designed to work off the grid so the outside lighting on the set could be self sustaining, powered completely by the sun.

iPower also supplied a custom designed monitoring display solution to allow for real time tracking and demonstration of the energy production.

"iPower's knowledgeable team and innovative ideas and products provided great solar solutions to the Real World: Hollywood eco-friendly home," says Charles Aubrey, production designer.

The home also boasts of energy efficient lighting, energy star appliances, and eco-friendly furniture, counters, carpet and flooring.

Source - Solardaily

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