Saturday, 26 April 2008

UK’s disappointing solar panels take up

The UK’s renewable energy performance is a “national disgrace”, environmental campaigners claim today.

Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and say the UK is flagging behind Germany in terms of solar panels.

They argue that Germany has 200 times more solar power and more than ten times more solar panels installed than the UK.

The three groups have placed an advert in national newspapers today highlighting the differences between the two countries.

They are calling for the government to adopt legislation giving people a renewable energy reward.

This reward would be a long-term contract with the National Grid guaranteeing a premium price for all renewable energy generated by homes and businesses - also known as a feed-in tariff.

This proposal will be debated when the energy bill goes before the House of Commons later this month.

Friends of the Earth economics campaigner Dave Timms described the UK’s solar energy performance as “feeble”.

Source - Solar Panels in the UK round up

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